Season 1 Episode 8: Great Realizations with Louisa Tanner Munson from Feel Good Astrology

Intuitive Energy Podcast Season 1 Episode 8 Great Realizations with Louisa Tanner Munson from Feel Good Astrology   I talk with Louisa Tanner Munson from Feel Good Astrology about my personal predictions and expectations in these coming times.

Feel Good Astrology’s Louisa Tanner Munson and I discuss expectations in these coming times. We have a lively discussion about how intuition plays a role during the upheaval of COVID and why staying home more often affects our daily choices.

Louisa talks about why I'm known as "The Energetic Plumber." We discuss overgiving, which empaths are commonly known for, and why having boundaries is important to all, especially those who are more open to sensing energy. We finish up with a societal view of what is happening now from a 19th-century Russian mystic perspective.

Acknowledge Your Feelings

One element we must do in these times is to honor how we are feeling at the moment. We are having a major paradigm shift from an individual and societal perspective. People are changing internally because of the external changes happening.

Your Own Energy and Power

It is good to understand how your body connects to your energy and power, especially if it’s a newfound awareness. The importance of the gut energy, and how it connects to other energies that run through our body is becoming more clear to people. Now that we are working from home and don’t have a set schedule, we have to decide what to do with our time and make a conscious decision on our daily activities.

Creating Rituals for a New Identity

What are rituals you can create that helps you to understand your newfound energy as it moves? Create rituals that help bring you back into yourself each morning. 

The Importance of Boundaries for Empaths

Many empaths end up giving a lot of their energy away when it’s not asked for by someone. How do empaths see and sense others. We talk about boundaries and why  putting up these types of energetic boundaries gives empaths an energetic safety net from their environments. 

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***Disclaimer: This Podcast is for educational and informational purposes only and solely as a self-help tool for your own use. I am not providing medical, psychological, or nutrition therapy advice. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting your own medical practitioner. Always seek the advice of your own medical practitioner and/or mental health provider about your specific health situation. For my full Disclaimer, please go to