Season 2 Episode 2: Creating Connection to Body and Nature

Intuitive Energy Podcast   Season 2 Episode 2 Nature as Resource Creating Connection by Grounding Yourself Energetically to Nature Welcome to Season 2 of The Intuitive Energy Podcast! We discuss intuitive care, what you can do to develop and protect your intuitive self, and practical ways to be a grounded, energetic being in a chaotic world.

In this podcast episode we talk about how being alone and how it goes against our natural instincts, how connecting to nature can be harmonizing, the importance of your first chakra, and how to strengthen your base energies using imagination. We chat about how we've become ungrounded in the past year due to the inability to participate in interpersonal activities that humans have been programmed to do for eons. We discuss how this disconnection happens internally as well as externally.

Listen in to find ways to ground yourself, practice self-acceptance, and get back into the tribal sense of fitting in. Enjoy!

Finding Others Online with a Synergistic Commonality
Go online and find groups of people who you resonate with energetically. The more you can look someone in the eye and say I’m similar to you or knowing others exist that are like you, you’ll feel more connected. Our connections pick up on our communications with your inner voice. When many others discuss their intuitive abilities with you, then the subject matter is no longer in the shadows but is free for independent expression.

Grounding Yourself with Your First Chakra
Your first chakra encompasses tribe, food, shelter, and survival - it is the chakra system's reptilian brain. If we aren’t feeling secure or unbalanced, our first chakra can be uprooted. Imagine if your chakra energy is a seven-story windmill that needs to be stabilized into the ground; how far down does your energy need to go down into the Earth to keep it stable.

How to Sense Energy Using Your Imagination
Use your childhood imagination, go back and create and think of your energy field as being grounded in your own rooting. Create a schematic of how your energy is supported when it's rooted downward. This allows you to safely tune into frequencies that are upward.

Tree Energy from Tree Roots to Tree Tops
To ground yourself:
1. Start by focusing on the energies that are as deep and as tall as a tree.
2. Don’t worry about the energy of the universe, gods, or goddesses for the time being.
3. Start at square one and stay centered and present in nature and our environment to give your body and energy a break from over-sensing.
Experience the foundational energy level of nature and become grounded in the earthly energies before incorporating or exploring other energies.

Coming Out of the Pandemic with Positive Energetic Change
Look inside yourself for introspection and alignment with your true sense of self without judgment. If you feel judged, then go deeper inside you to see your energy. Look to feel desire as this is what’s coming on the next level above your ground floor.

Learn how to clear out your own chakras in real-time during a session with me! My clients have found this to be a beneficial practice for the throat, spleen, or liver area if you have alcoholism in your family.

Book a session with Scott Clover today

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***Disclaimer: This Podcast is for educational and informational purposes only and solely as a self-help tool for your own use. I am not providing medical, psychological, or nutrition therapy advice. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting your own medical practitioner. Always seek the advice of your own medical practitioner and/or mental health provider about your specific health situation. For my full Disclaimer, please go to