Season 2 Episode 5: Heartfelt Communications & Forgiveness

Heartfelt Communications & Forgiveness    We are moving up the "Chakra Elevator" to explore the power of the fourth and fifth chakras. Learn how heart chakra language extends out into the world and how the 4th and 5th Chakras can be opened or closed depending on what you are going through.

We are moving up the “Chakra Elevator” to explore the power of the fourth and fifth chakras. Learn how heart chakra language extends out into the world and how the 4th and 5th Chakras can be opened or closed depending on what you are going through. What are some of the physical and energetic fields around the heart and throat and how they works as communication centers.

Season 2 Episode 5

Forgiving Yourself Exercise

We do a simple forgiveness exercise and talk about how phrases  Forgiving yourself can be done 

Using the body to express what you love. For 1000’s of years artists and musicians have used their hands as a way to express what they love. A lot of people are now using their fingers to be mean and scapegoating on the internet. This can close down our 5th chakra. 

We talk about the importance of integrity in our communications.

Energies that can Get Stuck in Your Heart and Lungs

Grief can land and get stuck in your lungs. I help people in my practice by assisting them in clearing grief out of their bodies somatically. Grief is a sticky mistress and can attract similar negative energies. Over time, your grief can build up and feel like a slowly encroaching malaise. 


Learn how to clear out your own chakras in real-time during a session with me! My clients have found this to be a beneficial practice for the spleen, throat, or liver area as well. This can help balance your empathic receivers, self-expression, and the effects that family and upbringing can have on our systems.

Book a session with Scott Clover today

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***Disclaimer: This Podcast is for educational and informational purposes only and solely as a self-help tool for your own use. I am not providing medical, psychological, or nutrition therapy advice. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting your own medical practitioner. Always seek the advice of your own medical practitioner and/or mental health provider about your specific health situation. For my full Disclaimer, please go to