Season 1 Episode 6: Mind Your Own Energy

Learn how to mind your own energy, the importance of empathic boundaries, and how to have healthier relationships with others. We also discuss narcissistic entanglement and what it's like to feel independent in your own energy body.   Minding Your Own Energy   Firstly, it's prudent to realize that you could be bleeding out into other people's fields.

Learn how to mind your own energy, the importance of empathic boundaries, and how to have healthier relationships with others. We also discuss narcissistic entanglement and what it's like to feel independent in your own energy body.

Minding Your Own Energy

Firstly, it’s prudent to realize that you could be bleeding out into other people's fields. You may want to do good and have a compulsion to help other people. That compulsion takes over, sometimes they don't first help themselves. This pattern can create your actions to interject your time, energy, and/or advice into someone else's issues. Issues that you were not asked to be involved in.

These over extending behaviors can be due to something in your childhood or be archetypal. In a negative scenario, you can have one person who is taking advantage of an over giving person. They consistently want to do more because they "should." If you take a look and see what is happening from your past, you can realize that you may be compensating and making up for the trauma you developed as a child.

How You Think You Are on the Inside Isn't How You May Be Portraying Yourself.

Here is a brief exercise to see if your perception of yourself is the same perception you are projecting into the world. View yourself with an energy bubble surrounding your body. What color is on the inside? What color is on the outside? Are they the same?

If not, you may be a different person on the inside than you are displaying on the outside to others!

Take your inside colors and meld them with the outside colors. Merge them like coffee and cream to make a third color. How does that make you feel?

Links and Resources 

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Listen in to Intuitive Energy Podcast 
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Read about Scott’s work in the Wall Street Journal

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Social Media Quotables

“Many times I find that people who are compelled to help other people have an abusive childhood situation.”

“Through traumatic events of childhood, these children grow up to be overly giving adults.”

“However you grew up, supported or non-supported, your boundaries need to be secured and re-evaluated from an adult perspective.”

“When people supersede their boundaries, they can be exhausted or become exhausting.”

***Disclaimer: This Podcast is for educational and informational purposes only and solely as a self-help tool for your own use. I am not providing medical, psychological, or nutrition therapy advice. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting your own medical practitioner. Always seek the advice of your own medical practitioner and/or mental health provider about your specific health situation. For my full Disclaimer, please go to